Duplomatic Vane Pump

DFP and DFDP Series
The DFP and the DFDP are fixed displacement vane pumps made in four different sizes, each with five nominal displacements sizes. They are available with a single pumping element, or with a double pumping element.
The pumping unit consists of a compact cartridge element that contains the rotor, vanes, the strator ring and the head disks. The cartridge is easily removable without the need to disconnect the hydraulic circuit pump, thus simplifying maintenance operation. The particolar elliptical profile of the stator ring with double opposing suction and delivery chambers, cancels the radial thrusts on the rotor, significantly reducing pump wear. Furthermore, the use of a 12 vane rotor reduces the pulsations of the delivery pressure, limiting the vibrations and noise of the pump.

The FV6 are single, double and triple fixed displacement vane pumps, with different nominal displacements available. The pumping unit consists of a cartridge element,which contsins the rotor, the vanes, the stator ring and the head disks. Cartridges are easily removable without the need to disconnect the hydraulic circuit pump, thus simplifying maintenance operation. They are available in various configurations, with clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation, with fixing flange type SAE B, SAE C and SAE CC and with cylindrical keyed or splined shaft end. The orientation of the suction and delivery ports is widely open.

FV7BS e FV7DS are single, double and triple fixed displacement vane pumps with different nominal displacements available. The pumping unit consists of a cartridge element, which contains the rotor, the vanes, the stator ring and the head disks. Cartridges are easily removable without the need to disconnect the hydraulic circuit pump, thus simplifying maintenance operation. They are available in various configurations, with clockwise or counterclockwise rotation, with fixing flange type SAE B, SAE C and SAE CC and with cylindrical keyed or splined shaft. The orientation of the suction and delivery ports is widely open.

The PVE are variable displacement vane pumps with direct pressure regulator. Available in four sizes with maximum displacements from 6.6 to 22,2 cm3/ rev and with two maximum calibration values of the pressure regulator up to 35 and 70 bar (standard). The flixing flange is SAE J744 – 2 holes or 4 holes rectangular, depending ont he size of the pump. Cylindrical shaft with SAE J744 KEY. The pumping unit is equipped with hydrostatic axial compensation distribution discs which improve the volumetric efficiency by reducing component wear. The adjustable load spring of the pressure compensator keeps the startor ring of the pumping group in an eccentric position. When the delivery pressure equals the pressure corresponding to the spring calibration, the stator ring moved so as to reduce the displacement to the values required by the system. In zero flow demand conditions, the pump delivers fluid only to compensate for any leaks, keeping the pressure in the circuit constant.

The RV1D are variable displacement vane pumps with mechanical type pressure compensator.
The pressure compansator keeps the historical ring of the pumping unit in an eccentric position by means of an adjustable load spring: when the delivery pressure equals the pressure corresponding to the spring setting, the stator ring is moved towards the center, instantly adjusting the flow rate deliveredto the values required by the system. The pumping unit is equipped with hydrostatic axial compensation distribution discs which improve the volumetric efficiency and reduce component wear.
They are divided into four dimensional groups, with displacements from 16 to 120 cm3/rev with operating pressures up to 120 bar, with clockwise rotation, rectangular flange with tapered keyed shaft end or with ISO 3019/2 flange with cylindrical keyed shaft-end.
This product replaces the PVD pump, now discontinued.

The RV1P are variable displacement vane pumps, with pilot operated hydraulic pressure compensator, which instantly adjusts the flow rate according to the circuit requirements. Energy consumption is reduced and adequate at every moment of the cycle. Those vane pumps have internal supply and suction double ducts. The pumping unit is equipped with double hydrostatic axial compensation, which improves volumetric efficiency and reduces component wear. The pressure compensator keeps the stator ring of the pumping group in an eccentric position by means of a piston controlled hydraulically by a pressure pilot stage. When the delivery pressure equals the pressure set on the pilot stage, the stator ring moves towards the center, adjusting the flow rate delivered to the required values of the system. In condition of zero flow demand, the pump delivers oil only to compensate for any leaks and piloting, keeping the pressure constant in the circuit. The response times of the controller are very low and such as to allow the elimination of the pressure relief valve. The gamma is made of four-dimensional groups, with displacements from 16 to 120 cm3/rev with operating pressures up to 250 bar, with clockwise rotation, with rectangular flange and tapered keyed shaft or with ISO 3019/2 flange and cylindrical keyed shaft. This pump is available with control for one or two pressure stages.
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